⚙️ Teaching Assistant and Grader (APMA 2130)

Ordinary Differential Equations, University of Virginia, Department of Applied Mathematics (APMA), 2024

Course Site and Information

Ordinary Differential Equations - Spring 2024

After completing APMA 2130 in the Fall of 2024, I transitioned into a teaching assistant role for the course under Professor Nethali Fernando and Professor Hui Ma in the Spring of 2024.

So far, I have enjoyed being a TA for this class as it is stands out due to its highly “applied” nature within the mathematics curriculum. As the class has no lecture and implement the inquiry based learning method, it gives me opportunities to help and engage directly with students:

Lecture Assistance: Actively participated in 5+ hours lectures weekly to help 100+ students with solving their class worksheets.

Office Hours: Held 2+ office hours each week to provide one-on-one assistance, ensuring students received support for homework assignments.

Worksheet Grading: Responsible for Divising grading responsibility among TAs and grading student worksheets, providing constructive feedback to guide their learning process.

Review Sheet Soluiton Making: Organized and made answers keys for week review sheet solutions, enabling students to consolidate their understanding of the material covered each week effectively.